Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2013-14: Traditional media year in review (April)

Traditional media drawings
Through careful observation, reproduce images of 3-dimensional forms through consideration of highlights, shadows, and transitions of values. These drawings prep students for assembling a college admissions portfolio.

Yesenia Galindo

Jade Rodriguez

Joshua Nowell

Chris Kissoon

Yesenia Galindo

Jade Rodriguez

2013-14: Digital year in review (April)

5.4 - Project Based Assessment Task (Abstract Album Art)
Redesign a musical artist's album cover, selecting shapes and colors based on the themes and moods of a particular song. Write an essay defending your choices.
Chris Kissoon

 6.5 - Shape Builder tool (Creating simple character)
Select a tutorial that leads you through the creation of a cartoon character using the Shape Builder tool.
Alberto Vega

Chris Kissoon

7.7 - Text Wrap (poster)
Create an info-based poster using threaded text and text wrapping. The challenge is formatting large amounts of text.
Chris Kissoon

8.11 - Gradients and effects (Icons)
Create a set of themed icons that have an inset visual effect with a icon platform containing gradients.
Genesis Cabrera

Robert Moquete

Mario Medina

8.6 - Pen tool
Create vector images of existing characters using the Pen tool.

Robert Moquete
Luis Lazcano
Amadou Diakite 
Vincent Sze

9.1 - Rotate / Reflect / Shear tools (Compass)
Create a compass using the 3 transformation tools.
Jonathan Baez

10.3 - Clipping Mask (textures)
Using images of textures, add tactile depth to the image by applying clipping masks to images.

10.4 - Layers (Self-portrait)
Use the pen tool to trace over a template layer of a photo of yourself. Add shadows and highlights.
Dante Valentin
David Salazar

Lauren Thompson

11.4 - Perspective Selection tool (3-point perspective city)
Using the Perspective grid, create a 3-point perspective floating city. Create additional elements using symbols and the symbol sprayer tools. 
Tiffany Viera 
Chris Kissoon

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Traditional drawing

By Alexa Canaii Barrow.

By Arthur Tyce Jr.

By Donald Jenkins.

By Elena Acosta.

By Jamal Cruz.

By Jason Reed.

By Joshua Maddox.

By Kevin Parra.

By Nicole Fuller.

By Nnandi Cason.

By Sarahi Reyes.

By Tiffany Poon.

By Joshua Maddox.

By Julio Dominguez.

By Jeremy Mercedes.

By Juan Ramos.

By Nathaniel Nieves.

By Nathaniel Nieves.

By Wilber Valencia.

By Wilber Valencia.

Perspective city

Students created a stylized scene while simultaneously learning Illustrator’s Perspective Grid tool and three-point perspective.

By Calston Warde.

By Devante Hale.

By Donald Jenkins.

By Julio Dominguez.

By Kristian Rodriguez.

By Nicole Fuller.

By Ryan Jacobson.